26 JULY 1930, Page 29

One week-end in May an interesting conference was held at

Danford House, Midhurst, Sussex, the home of Richard Cobden, and a useful record of the proceedings is now presented under the title United States of Europe. The release on the second day of the Conference of M. Briand's Memorandum gave added-point to the proceedings. Among those present were Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, M. Henri Tract's-, Vice- President of the " Union Douaniere Europeenne.- whose first opportunity it was to meet Dr. Edgar Stern-Rubarth, President of the kindred German association, the " Europais- eher Zollverein." Sir George Paish wound up the conference with some compelling figures of British trade, which, apart from anything else, reveal the hollowness of the cry for a closed economic Empire.

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