26 JULY 1930, Page 29

The Argonaut Press deserves well of all who arc interested

in the history of travel. To its series i t hhie quartos, Its compet- ently edited as they are beautifully IA,. heed, is now added that most entertaining work, Alexander 11:indium's A.m., :Iceman' of the Ens( Indies (2 vols.. 6;is.) with introduction and notes by Sir William Foster. Hamilton had sailed and traded in

Eastern seas from the Persian Gulf to Canton and A for thirty-live years before he came home to write and publish his book in 1'727. He knew Boinhav and Calcutta in their earl• days, he had called at the Engiish and Dutch factories in Malaya and the islands, he had had trouble with the Chinese merchants at Canton, and he had Mught against Indian pirates and against Baluchi raiders at Goinlinah Blinder Abbas). He describes the Eastern ports, gives some pietur- esque historical tales and interweaves his own experiences and local gossip. The editor corrects many of Hamilton's state- ments, especially about India. The book is well illustrated and provided with maps and a good index.