Belgium and Uruguay
Great sympathy will go out from this country to the Iwo countries which are celebrating this week the eentenarics of their national existence. Both have, in spite of threats from powerful and aggressive neighbours, been able to maintain the independence in which they thrive happily to-day. To those who reflect upon the feelings of those countries at present it will be a satisfaction to recall that the mediation and help of Great Britain, in addition to their own indomitable spirit, played their part in repelling the threats and in securing for both Belgium and Uruguay the independence which will continue to develop, we hope, into peaceful fruition within the international common- wealth. We need not speak of the affection that arose between Great Britain and Belgium in 191-1, but we may point to the Antwerp Exhibition, so easy of access from this island. Uruguay is far away, but let us recall the enthusiasm with which she received the Prince of Wales, and also the welcome she lately gave to Lord D'Abermt's
mission. * * * *