National Rifle Association
The successes of women in the air have been followed by an unexpected one upon earth. The King's Prize at Bisley was won, by a single point over the men, by Miss Foster, who was eligible to shoot as a driver in the Women's Legion. There are few forms of strenuous competition that make stiffer demands on the competitors than a shooting match, chiefly in clearness of eye and a steady control of arms and body. Though women have done well with the sporting rifle we doubt if any one expected to see a woman excel in the test, not only of skill but of endurance and self-control too, at the ranges. As usual Bisley has been like a British re-union from overseas or a Parliament of Empire. For the MacKinnon Cup were shooting, Canada, Rhodesia, India, Ireland and Guernsey, besides the three teams of the United Kingdom. For the Junior Cup teams came from Trinidad, the winners, from the Gold Coast, Falkland Islands, F. M. S., Sudan, Straits Settlements, and Nigeria.
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