The Air Disaster
An unexplained accident to an aeroplane flying from France to England occurred on Monday and all six persons in it were killed. There have beat other accidents of late and even worse disasters at other times, but the passengers here happened to include sonic very well known and very well liked persons whose sudden death has been particularly grievous and shocking. The sympathy to those nearest to them is wide and sincere. All Ulster is grieved by the death of Lord Duffed!), who was very popular in England too. lie was his distinguished father's fourth son, but Lady Duffed!) had borne the loss of the three eldest, two of them fighting for their country, before this last loss. After being a good soldier himself he had taken up seriously the responsi- bilities that had unexpectedly come to him in Ireland. When the Senate of Northern Ireland was established in 1921 he was elected Speaker and held the Office ever since with success.
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