26 JULY 1930, Page 34


. Shareholders of the Zinc Corporation have reason to con- gratulate themselves upon the conservative policy pursued in past years by the directors, for that Corporation, like other big concerns, is, of course, adversely affected by falling prices. During the past year the average price of lead was a little higher, but silver and spelter gave way and during the first six months of the current year there was a heavy fall in all three commodities. In view of these difficult conditions, the directors have wisely made a slight reduction in the dividend on the Participating shares, although the actual net profit for the year of £246,000 was only about £9,000 below the figure for the preceding year. A further allocation of £100,000 has been made to the Mines Develop- ment and new plant and a special sum of £21,654 has been transferred to the General Reserve.

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