Sir: Something must be done! Fildes's friend the Discount Broker must be con- sulted. It is a scandal! Yes, a scandal of national importance. Where is Solomon Binding when we need him?
I refer, of course, to the shameful prac- tice of insider dealing so clearly admitted by your correspondent Robin Oakley (The turf, 31 May). Here is a man who states that he failed to make an unwise investment with Victor Chandler, or who- ever, because the trainer in question told him that the draw and the going did not suit his horse.
This price-sensitive information should clearly have been made publicly available on a continuous disclosure basis. That someone should profit from such knowl- edge is reprehensible in the extreme.
Why cannot we have Cadbury-style governance for the turf? A Select Commit- tee on Horse-race Wagering Ensuring Perfect Practice and Eternal Supervision (Schweppes for short) is called for now.
Peter Hambro
7 Eccleston Street, Belgravia, London SW1