26 JULY 1997, page 27

Sir: Your Readers Have Now Seen A Wise Conclusion To

the von Schlieffen correspon- dence in the letter from Robert Tombs (5 July); the very kind letter from Alice von Schlieffen in person (28 June); and now the suggestion from......

Trust In Scotland

Sir: The National Trust for Scotland believes in the principle of governments making laws, not trusts. Its English equiva- lent has taken it upon itself to ban the cen-......

Sir: This Alice Von Schlieffen Business Is Getting...

I am not quite sure which is more ridiculous, the rantings of Miss(?) von Schlieffen about the military brilliance of her supposed ancestor or your willingness to offer space in......

Ballet For All

Sir: Why is the Royal Opera House always on the defensive? Just because the tabloids accuse it of being elitist does not mean it is. On one recent Saturday I saw four ballets......

Opera Without Music

Sir: Glyndebourne's long intervals are indeed a hindrance not only to the enjoy- ment of The Makropulos Case (Arts, 19 July) but of all opera. As the majority of Glyndebourne......

Lavatory Humour

Sir: Recalling last week's front-page photo- graph in the Times of the lavatory now seri- ously included as an exhibit in this year's Institute of Contemporary Arts show in......

Produce Yourself, Alice

Sir: Great Cumberland Place must be one of the most cosmopolitan stretches in our splendidly international capital city. At one end, next door to us at the Industrial Soci- ety......