Sir: This Alice von Schlieffen business is getting ridiculous, although
I am not quite sure which is more ridiculous, the rantings of Miss(?) von Schlieffen about the military brilliance of her supposed ancestor or your willingness to offer space in your Letters page to this farce.
And a farce it must be: if I wanted to cre- ate the cliché of the ugly German, i.e. nasty and narrow-minded, such contributions would be exactly what I would concoct. Therefore, I am not surprised at all that none of your genealogically inclined read- ers could find any trace of Alice in Hum- bugland's family connection.
That your respected magazine should fall for such a fraud, I find hard to believe. Should you, on the other hand, be a know- ing part of this comedy of bad taste, I wish you an unfriendly takeover — by Mr Al Fayed! (Ve can be wery nasty, can ve not?) Franz Metzger G-Geschichte mit Pfiff,
AuBerer Laufer Platz 22, Niirnberg, Germany