The game of the name
Sir: I was gripped by Jeffrey Bernard's observation (Low life, 5 July) that when the police called on him about the possibility of his having witnessed a murder the only thing they wanted to know was his date of birth. This appears to be the first question the police always ask of witnesses or people who report crimes (however 'petty'). It has happened to me many times, when report- ing car vandalism, burglary, hooliganism in public places and the like. The age of a vic- tim, witness or reporter of an incident must surely be completely irrelevant. The police must by now have a vast record of the dates of birth of witnesses. What is it for?
Can the police insist on a witness giving this information when reporting offences? What would happen if one refused or gave a fictitious date? Would it be an offence? I am tempted next time to give an impossi- ble or famous date such as 14 July 1789, and see what happens.
Jenny Forbes
8 Morrab Terrace, Penzance, Cornwall