It instated in a telegraphic message that
" Prince Napoleon bad personally insisted upon the admission of Pied- ment into the Congress, and has represented to the Emperor that in the event of Piedmont, not being admitted, Count Cavour intends to resign. The Prince thought proper to announce previously to the Piedmontese Go- vernment that he would demand its admission into the Congress, but in that event admission could not be refused to Tuscany, the Papal government, and the Duchy of Parma; Naples anil_Modena being naturally excluded—
Naples on account of its interruption of international relations, and Mc- dens because it has never recognised the Imperial Government." Count Cavour is in Paris and can speak for himself. cr.
A report was curreut that an Austrian patrol had made a „ roan-
naissanee " on the Piedmontese side of the Ticino. It turns out that an Austrian patrol, losing its way, and discovering it was in PiedMont by meeting a gendarme, quietly inquired the road to Pavia. The dircetiou was pointed out and the patrol retired.
There are said to be 120,000 men between Besancon, Lyons, and Gre- noble, and it is added there are heaps of forage stored up on Mont Cenis at every relay of the mountain.