26 MARCH 1859, page 11


SATURDAY MORNING. In the Lower House the debate on the Reform Bill was resumed by Sir STAFFORD Noarnearz, who said the bill was a reply to the call of the country, not an......

It Instated In A Telegraphic Message That

" Prince Napoleon bad personally insisted upon the admission of Pied- ment into the Congress, and has represented to the Emperor that in the event of Piedmont, not being......

Many A Man Who Knows What Mechanics' Institutions Have Done,

and may do, would regret to see the earliest of such bodies pass away. Accord- ingly, strong efforts have been made to save from collapse the institution in Southampton......

Useful Arts, Fasbiouo, Grata. &r.

STATE OF TRADE. THERE 15 not that healthy tone with trade, experienced by the whole- sale houses of the City, that is generally looked for at this season of the year, when it is......

Would " A Constant Reader And Subscriber," Who Dates From

Edinburgh, tell us to what address we might direct a communication for him on the subject of his letter. His facts might be useful to us.......

Paris Fashions.

(From our own Correspondent.) We are in the midst of the concert-season, and for the moment ball- dresses are forgotten. Wreaths and garlands give place to light tulle bonnets,......

The Gazette Announces That Colonel Joshua Jebb . Chairman...

Director of Convict Prisons, has been appointed Knight Cominander of the Bath, and that the distinction of Commanders of the Order hos been conferred upon Major Robert Lewis......


On the 2d of March, at hiontepelier Hill, Dublin, Lady Alexander, of a son. On the 13th, at Hendon, Middlesex, the Wife of Rear-Admiral Edward Stanley, of a daughter. On the......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Stock Market opened on Monday at a further improvement upon Saturday's prices of 1 per cent, which was well supported up to the......