26 MARCH 1859, Page 11

Useful arts, fasbiouo, grata. &r.


THERE 15 not that healthy tone with trade, experienced by the whole- sale houses of the City, that is generally looked for at this season of the year, when it is almost invariably good. Next month, however, is ex- pected to be a very busy one, and no doubt many of the large ware- houses in the Manchester and general trades will date forward on Mon- day the 28th instant, and so make a long month of April, which is ways the heaviest in the season.

Flax is still advancing, and selling freely to foreign buyers at the pre- sent enormous price. • Manufacturers of linens are compelled to resort to the discharge of weavers, not being able to obtain present cost for manu-' faetured goods. There appears to be no chance of a reduction in the price of the raw material until the next season's crop is brought into the market.