26 MARCH 1859, Page 17


Although the number of books has not much diminished, yet their character has some reference to the doubts and debates of the week, being mostly independent of English Parliamentary Reform. Mrs. Everett Green's " State Papers of James the First," published under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls, is quite removed from the ebbs and flows of political excitement. Mr. Trollope's biographical Decade of Italian Female Celebrities has long been announced for about this time, and Messrs. Chapman and Hall are publishers of their word, The English Lady's " Si: Years' Travel in Russia," a lively but slight sketch of outward things, is about the only book that could be affected by the temporary pre-engagement of the public mind ; for "Fankwei" is an American publication, if not an importation. Some American books also appear among the notes, as well as some religious and school books. In fact, these classes with reprints and a poem, may be said to constitute the books of the week.

- Boons.

Calendar of State Papers (Domestic Series) of the Reign of James .1.- 1619-1623, 1623-1625—preserved in the State Paper Department of her Ma- jesty's Public Record Office. Edited by Mary Anne Everett Green, Author of the " Lives of the Princesses of England," &c. Under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls, and with the Sanction of her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department. Volumes III. and IV.

A Decade of Italian Women. By T. Adolphul Troilope, Author of "The Girlhood of Catherine de Medici." In two volumes.

Six Years' Travels in Russia. By an English Lady. In two volumes. - Fankwei ; or the San Jacinto in the Seas of India, China, and Japan. By William Maxwell Wood, M.D., U.S.N., late Surgeon of the Fleet to the United States East India Squadron ; Author of • Wandering Sketches in South America, Polynesia," &c. ; ...A Shoulder to the Wheel of Pro- . Mita," 8re„ - Prayers for Social and Family Worship. Prepared by a Committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.—This volume is not to be taken as any abandonment of her Liturgical principles by the Esta- blished Church of Scotland, whatever misgiving it may seem to argue as to their applicability under all circumstances. The "morning and evening services" of the book are not designed for ministers, but for persons, who by the accident of residence, or other causes, are deprived of the privilege of hearing a minister ; and whose place, so far as prayer is concerned, may thus be supplied by some individual among them. The services are followed by prayers, intended for family worship.

Both divisions are in some sort a species of compilation • the more ri

eminent Presbyterian authorities, Calvin, Knox, Baxter, the Westmin- ster Directory, supplying the larger portion of the " services." To our taste the Prayers of both classes are inferior to the English liturgy in breadth, elevation, and Catholicity, being often sectarian in tone, and sometimes sinking to individual composition. It is difficult, however, in such cases to distinguish between early association of ideas, and critical perception.

The .Reformers of England and Germany in the Sixteenth Century. By H. Heppe, D.D., of Marburg. Translated, with additions, by the Reve- rends Herman Schmettan and B. Harris Cowper. —A sort of historical summary of the communication between the Governments and Protestant divines of England and Germany during the reigns of Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, and Elizabeth, accompanied by some original letters. The book is too meagre and dry from the limited space to which it is confined to have much general attention • persons who take an interest in the subject have pretty well learned already what the volume will tell them.

The Latin Reader of Professor Jacobs and Dr. Classen. Part I. Course I. Part II. Course II. Edited with Notes and Vocabularies by James Donaldson, MA., one of the Classical Masters of the High School of Edinburgh.—A series of exercises beginning with simple sen- tences in the natural order for translation, and proceeding in the Second Part to anecdotes, fables, and a brief history of Rome. The exercises are accompanied by vocabularies, and by notes mainly of the editor. These last are intended to possess the pupil with the principles of con- ttruing, for 'which: they are well adapted. The first part which carries the pupil through the accidence, and the leading rules of syntax, appears to us the best. The Second Part consists of lessons, that are founded on Latin authors, with alterations by Jacobs, and as his Latin was not of the most classical, Mr. Donaldson corrects the German Professor. There is thus a strange jumble of styles, which might be obviated by the use of some easy author, when the pupil has acquired a vocabulary and a general knowledge of the accidence and construing.

Opportunities for Industry and the Safe Investment of Capital. By Edwin T. Freedley, Author of "A Practical Treatise on Business," &c.— An American's book whose object is to possess his countrymen with "a thousand chances to make money." The opening part handles the prin- ciples of the subject, chiefly embracing the different branches of specula- tive industry in which large fortunes can be made ; since a man can only become a millionaire by some pursuit which is in reality speculation. The remaining portion continues the subject in detail, pointing out the various modes in which capital may be successfully invested by Ameri- cans, though some of the projects are available for any one. Publica- fions of this class are rather written to make a book, than to give avail- able advice to the needy ; which indeed to be of any use must be adapted to the particular character and case. Even then money making requires a natural gift, and luck, as much as eminence in any other struggle. This remark, however, applies to all the higher kind of didactic treatises. No book on criticism will make a poet, or exposition of art a painter, and Mr. Freedley admits the truth of the corollary in the matter of money- making, Here Poeti&e.—These lyrics may be taken both in the original and the present sense of the term ; for some are light and graceful and fit accompaniments to the lyre, while others represent the workings of in- dividual emotions. The subjects are often well chosen, and as the in- spiration flows straight from the head and heart of a woman, it is al- most superfluous to add that love is the dominant theme. The songs are generally founded on some legend or story, and wo observe a tendency to reprodtice what de Quincey calls the " elementary situations " of life, and a train of every-day hopes and prospects. The style of some of the longer productions is very peculiar, and Mrs. George Lenox-Conyngbam appears to have worked herself into the idea, that conversational language is the proper diction for poetry. We refer particularly to the "Turret Chamber," "The Portrait," and "The Lady of the Looking Glasses," in which pieces the lofty and the commonplace are mixed in wonderful proportions. The versification and the ideas look as if they had been elaborated separately ; but eccentricities of this kind are quite atoned for by such a poem as the " Old Story," into the end of which is crushed a world of sweetness. The whole volume is free from any sick- liness or pretension; and many of the pieces are spirited and graceful, Spell-bound; a Tale of Macclesfield Forest; in verse. By Red Girdle, the Forest Fay.—A Cheshire story of the time of the Civil Wars, though the incidents and characters belong to a somewhat earlier period of con- ventional romance, involving a villain, who murders a Mend and thinks he has disposed oethat friend's son, as he has clearly confined his daugh- ter, in order to compel a marriage for the property. This Wolfmere, a villain of position, is aided in his evil deeds by Hugh Raven, a kind of English bravo. The conduct of the story and the style of verse are an imitation of Scott, and the verse is really so good an imitation, that it is only now and then, when wo stumble on some weaknesses, that we trace the copyist.

The Old Plantation, and what I gathered there in an Autumn Month. By James Hungcrford, of Maryland.—An American novel whose scene is laid in the author's own State of Maryland. The story is a love tale, ending happily after some difficulties. In reality, Southern scenery, manners, and characters are as conspicuous as the anxieties of the lovers, and form, to English readers, the most interesting part.

Much in Little. A Compendium of Facts and Information, for the Use of Girls' Schools. By Mrs.-Wm. Albut.—A little book of statisti- cal, chronological, and general information, neatly thrown into the tabu- lar form. There are the names of the books of the Old and New Testa- ment, with classified lists of Scriptural persons, weights, measures, tee. Tables of English and Scottish Kings, and the principal events, in each Christian century, follow, with many facts relating to this country, ancient history, mythology, &c. More of philosophical purpose might have governed the selection and arrangement, but it is a useful book of its kind.

The principal reprints of the week are rather collections than new edi- tions, and both of eminent scientific writers. The late discussions touching the phenomenon of " regclat4on," or freezing as it were by pressure, and other questions connected with ice and glaciers, have in- duced irefessor Forbes to collect into a single volume some of his Papers " On the Theory of Glaciers," hitherto lying hid in philosophical journals and transactions. They are illustrated by cuts and diagrams. Mrs. Hugh Miller has edited the Lectures which her late husband de- livered before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh, and designed as a popular introduction to geology, and to uphold the religions, views he inculcated on other occasions in connexion with that Science. This last is the main object of Mrs. Miller's "Preface" ; she argues that the new discoveries, about which some eminent geologists have permitted themselves to write or talk loosely, do not shako the evidences drawn [from geology] in favour of revealed religion.

Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers, now first collected and Chro- nologically arranged, with a prefatory Note on the recent Progress and present aspect of the Theory. By James D. Forbes, D.C.L., PALS., Sec. 11.5., Ed. F.G.S., &c.

Sketch-Book of Popular' Geology ; being a Series of Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh. By Hugh Miller. With an introductory Preface, giving a resume of the Progress of Geological Science within the last two years. By Mrs. Miller.

The Advanced Prose and Poetical Reader • being a Collection of Select Speci- mens in English, with Explanatory Notes and Questions. By Alexander Winton Buchan, F.E.I.8., reacher, Glasgow. Second edition.


.Routledge's Illustrated Natural History. By the Rev. J. G. Wood, M.A., F.L.S.' &c. Author of "Anecdotes of Animal Life," &c. &O. Part 1.—The first number of Messrs. Routledge's new serial publication contains a general view of the animantia, and the functions, structure, &c., of the vertebrate, such as nutrition, blood, bone. A history of the quedrumana or monkey tribe follows, but is not completed in the present


Popularity characterizes the execution by the Reverend _ . Wood. The history of the animal, the curious anecdotes recorded it, the accounts which olden travellers or the natives have given of it, as well as the descriptions of authoritative naturalist; and the results of the author's own observation, are plainly and pleasantly brought before the reader. With these things are combined illustrative remarks, point- ing out in the division before us the vast and impassible barrier which Separates the monkey and the man, in their anatomy and physiology, with the addition of some metaphysical speculations. The numerous good-cuts in hire manner are often made illustrative witness the start- ling contrast between the skeleton of man and the gorilla.


Map of Valentia and the Atlantic Telegraph. By Captain Frederic Brine, R.E., F.R.G.S.—An elaborate map of the harbour of Valentia and the most striking points on shore, with the different lines of telegraphic cable that have been laid down, and the position of the various ships employed. 1..fellug information connected with the undertaking is tabularly presented in vacant spaces on the map. It is disappointing to see that communication went on from the 16th August to the 1st Sep- tember and then stepped ; though to be sure it was always conducted with difficulty.