[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As an admirer of the zeal of the Spectator for national economy, may I venture to criticize your approval of " Tax, payer's " scheme for securing that object in " Notes of the Week " of your issue of March 19th? In nine constituencies out of ten the real fight at an election is now between Coalition and Labour. Let us take a hypothetical case. If " A," the Coalition man, refuses to commit himself "to the rule of a maximum fixed sum for the annual expenditure of the Govern- ment," " Taxpayer " wants us to refuse to support him, thereby risking not only the loss of the seat to the Coalition, but another gain to the party who are pledged up to the hilt to a policy of squander-mania of the most reckless kind, who are entirely out to benefit one class, i.e., their own, and who will not be prepared to respect the sanctity of private ownership. Would it not be well to consider whether " Taxpayer's " sug- gestion will not defeat its own ends if pursued on the lines that he suggests and you approve?—I am, Sir, &c., Evelyns, Hillingdon, Uxbridge. A. E. D. hirrroe.