The Soviet System In Its Original Form Had Been Found
to be an impossibility. Lenin himself had quite recently delivered speeches which would have caused him to be shouted down if he had delivered them at a Trades Union Congress.......
Lord Selborne, In The House Of Lords On Monday, Urged
the Government to introduce a measure of Second Chamber Reform this session. He said that if by a turn of fortune's wheel the Labour Party came into power, it could do all that......
The Delegates Of The Miners' Federation Decided On...
18th, to consult their local unions regarding the new offer of the coal-owners. Under this very generous offer, the miners would receive as a minimum the base rates paid in......
An Action In The Chancery Court Last Week Showed That
the two chief carpenters' trade unions are absolutely hostile to co-partnership. They had threatened to expel two members who, being in the employ of Messrs. Lever Brothers, had......
In The House Of Commons On Tuesday Dr. Macnamara Said
that the employers in the building trades had agreed to absorb 50,000 ex-Service men in accordance with the Government's request. This decision would be communicated to the......
The Sinn Fein 'rebels Were Active On Saturday And Sunday.
At Cross Barry, near Kinsale, on Saturday a patrol of troops and police was ambushed. Their lorries were stopped by the sudden blowing up of a bridge, and machine-guns were......
Mr. Lloyd George Spoke With Animation And Merriment,...
very sure of his position, when he explained to the House of Commons on Tuesday the trade agreement with Russia. The agreement was purely a trade arrangement with a de facto......
A Bill To Transfer The Responsibilities Of The Expiring...
of Munitions and Shipping to the Board of Trade was read a second time in the House of Commons on Monday. Captain Loseby, whose grave charges against the staff of the Ministry......
The Sinn Fein Incendiaries, Who Are Trying To Frighten...
have extended their operations to the Home Counties. Late on Friday, March 18th, some of these Irish criminals set fire to stockyards at North Cheam, Belmont, Mitcham, and......
Bank Rate, 7 Per Cent.. Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Apr. lff 1920; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Wednesday, 87 . Thursday week, 861; a year ago, 871.......