In the House of Commons on Tuesday Dr. Macnamara said
that the employers in the building trades had agreed to absorb 50,000 ex-Service men in accordance with the Government's request. This decision would be communicated to the trade union leaders on Wednesday morning. As we go to press on Wednesday this week we do not yet know the result of the Conference. Explaining the scheme, Dr. Macuamara said :—
"Employers will pay a percentage of the standard wage, varying according to the proficiency of the trainee, who, in addition, will receive 10s. a week for the first six months and 5s. a week for the next six months. These additional grants will be recoverable from the Government. The Building Trade Employers' Federation have accepted responsibility for the success of the scheme. The men will be taken for a contract of service with employers for two years ; and I have no doubt that the scheme will be a great success."