26 MARCH 1921, Page 23

READABLE NOVELS.—Lost on Lhc Corrig. By Standish O'Grady. (Fisher Unwin.

58.• net.)—A story of two young men who get lost at the bottom of a chasm in a wild part of the coast of Ireland. We dare say no more, lest we give away the plot of a thoroughly exciting story.—The Port Allington Stories' and Others'. By R. E. Vernede: (Heinemann. 98.)-- A collection of short stories. " A Night's Adventure;" " The Maze," " On the Raft," and " Madame Bluebeard " are all rather good ; the name stories themselves are disappointing.--- The Tribal God. By Herbert Tremaine. (Constable. Sr. 6d. net.) An interesting study of a too united family. Some df -the " set piece " descriptions are admirable.—Passover. By Beatrice Baskerville., (Thornton Butterworth. 8s. net.)--, A novel about- the conflict between Russian Poles and- Jews when it is complicated by love. The Jewish characters are very well drawn.