c/o Nethergate Wines Ltd.
11/13 High Street, Clare, Suffolk C010 8NY. Tel: (0787) 277244 Fax: (0787) 277123
Cotes du Rh6ne Prieure St Julien
Price No. Value
1992 12 Bots. £49.68
Moscato d'Asti, Parroco di Deive
1989 12 Bots £71.88 Red
RegnM (Passot les Rampaux) 1991 12 Bots. £59.88
Lirac (Duseigneur) 1990 12 Bots. £59.88
Cairanne Reserve des Seigneurs
de St Martin' 1990 12 Bots. £65.88
Château St Christophe,
Sr Emilion 1988 12 Bots. 05.64
Mixed case, 2 bottles of each 12 Bots. f6Z14
TOTAL (Cheque enclosed)
Please send wine to: Own name & address, if different: NAME NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS POSTCODE TELEPHONE Access/Visa Card No Signature Expiry Date Prices include VAT and delivery on the mainland. Payment should be made either by cheque, payable to Spectator Wine club, or by Access/Visa, which may be telephoned or faxed. This offer, which is sub- ject to availability, closes on 30 April 1994. POSTCODE TELEPHONE