Between Extremes
Sir: Matthew Parris praises the Prime Min- ister's 'very English' middle position on Maastricht — between the Europhobes, who want to keep our national sovereignty, and the......
No Relation
Sir: I have just seen Andrew Kenny's inter- esting article on CFCs and the ozone layer ('The earth is fine; the problem is the greens', 12 March). He is quite right about the......
Letters Nazi Slur
Sir: Kenneth Roberts purports to be an enemy of Nazism. Yet in his article accus- ing Croatia of subscribing to this ideology, he displays a mastery of the techniques of......
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Penis Paean
Sir: Charles Moore's paean of praise for penis-hunters (Another voice, 12 March) is objectionable not so much because it is an apologia for aphrodisia nor because it is a......