The General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland was opened on Thursday last week. There has been no topic of general interest before the court ; nor from the list does any seem . to be expected.
The Reformers at Edinburgh have resolved to erect a column in honour of Earl Grey. The Marquis of Breadalbane and Lord Or- melie arc subscribers. Similar designs have been proposed to be car- ried into effect in London and in Dublin.
The number of names appended to the Edinburgh Reform petition in two days amounted to 37,000.—Edinburgh Observer.
Captain George Macdonald, of the London smack Caledonia, was washed overboard and polished, off Kinnaird's Castle, on Tuesday evening, the 8th instant. —hasernesa courier.
The feuars of Wellington Street, Edinburgh, have thought proper to change its name, and on each corner—viz. at Toil Cross and Foun- tainbridge—have put up, in legible letters, " Earl Grey Street," by which name it will be distinguished in future.—Scotsman.
. The constables of the Western district of the suburbs of Perth met on Tuesday evening last week, and unanimously resolved to resign their batons in consequence of the present aspect of political affairs.—Perth Advertiser. [This was during the Wellington panic.]