26 MAY 1832, page 18

The Passage We Are About To Quote Has Teen Already

alluded to : it is the scene in which the divorced wife, ruined and betrayed, though married to her seducer—who is himself likewise thrown out of society, and become a gambler......

Natural And Artificial Right Of Property Contrasted.

THE object of this little volume is to prove that rights exist by the laws of Nature, independent of legislative enactments. Ac- cording to our author, the natural laws which......

We Should Like To Ask Mr. Colburn, Why Several Of

his late works, such as the Younger Son and the one before us, have been so slovenly printed ? The leads,* if not the type, vary in every other volume. * Leads - the printer's......

The Fair Of May Fair

Is the work of a lady, who has established herself as " painter to the nobility." It is useless to disguise the fact, whether in title- page or critique, that Mrs. GORE is a......