FRIDAY EVENING. The Celia, Chrystie, from New South Wales to London, sunk off Ushant on the 18th instant ; crew saved. Arrived—At Gravesend, May 23d, Cornwall, Bell, from Bengal; 24th, Mary Ann, nornblow, from Madras. At Deal, 22d, the. II. C. S. Warren Hastings, Averne, from China ; and Gambier, Ireland, from Mauritius; 24th, Providence, O'Brien, from Cal- cutta. Off Cowes, 22d. Earl Dalhousie, Coote, from the Cape ; and 23d, Eleanor, Cook. from Batavia. Off Dartmouth, 20th, Golconda, Stewart, from Bombay. At Liverpool, May 22d, Bland, Callen, from Bengal. At St. Helena, April 8th, Sophia, Thornhill ; and Roxburgh Castle. Denny, from Bengal ; Alfred, Flint, from Madras ; and Jane, —, from Mauritius. At the Cape, March 16th, Monarch, Miller, from Liverpool; and Reform, Case, from London; 22d, II. M. S. Melville, from Portsmouth ; the H. C. cruiser Coote, Pepper, from London; and Cervantes, Hughes, from Liverpool; 23d, Constitution, Lucas, from London ; 27th, the II. C. S. Duke of York, Locke, from China ; Ann Jameison, Alexander, from Leith ; and St. George, Wells, from Bengal. At Bombay, Upton Castle, Duggan, from Loudon. At Madras, Jan. 19th, Copernicus. May, from Bengal.At Bengal, Jan. 28th. Warrior, Stone, from London; 30th, Prin- cess Charlotte, M'Rean, from Liverpool; 31st, Calcutta, Watson, from ditto. Sailed—From Gravesend, May 18th, Lord Hungerford, Farquharson, for Bengal; 19th. Ilindostan, Redman, for ditto; 20th, Achilles, Duncan, for Ceylon; and 234 Earl of Balcarras. Broughton, for China; 25th, Dunvegan Castle, Duff, for N. S. Wales. From Liverpool, May 20th, Emma, Milward, for Batavia.