the fret of the sale : as that operation was on account of the Court f Chancery, 11 is not probable than any but ordinary inducements have pre( iled on It. Money is rather more in demand than of late, and the rate of co( mercial dis- count fur hills of the first character is from 21(0 to 3 per cent. he books of nude until and including the following dues. the week. The other English Fonda have remained equally sly dy, as have Bank und India Stock. The price of India Bonds and Excherpi r Bills has undergone a rather remarkable depression to-day ; the former, wl ich were at to!cduce the interest upon Exchequer Bills at the next issue to 1 d. per day. It Is also said that the East India Company contemplate a still furtl et reduction of the amount of their bond debt, of which we believe there is no vidente but the vetious Stocks, the Dividends upon which will become due 'n July next, fluctuation, a sudden revulsion having forced prices down nearly 3 per cent. for Aecount and Alliney have been alternately buyers and sellers at 041 during while the latter, vvIlich were at 65 prem., have declined to 60, an close at 62. been occa.ioned by the rumoured intention of the Chancellor of 1 Exchequer will close in the course of the following week ; and transfers in them may be 70s. prem., have been as low as 62s., but have again reached and r ose at 68s. ; These depressions have been produced by some extensive sales, vid to have Tint English Stock Market has evinced considerable firmness, and Consols In the Foreign Market, Portuguese Stock has been the subjil et of much
3 per Cent. Consols
3.per Cepa. Annuities, 1726 June 7th Sub 12th
South Sea Sleek June et It Jet) 13th
New south sea Annuities, 1751 .... June 7111 Jul, 2th New 5 per Cent, Annuities June 8th Jul) 13th Annuities for Torres of Years ' June 4th Jot) : 0th East In, ia Stock done 5th dory i 2th New 34 per Cent Annuities } STUCK ExellANOE, FRIDAY YTEHNOON.
June 5th Jul) 17th
Shut. Open.
The Five per Cents. (Regency), which on Monday were 37, have since been as low as 341. The Three per Cents, had fallen from 25 to 23k; and the Five per Cents., 1837, from 31 to 25. An advertisement has arpeared in the news- papers tido morning, by which the dividend becoreing due on 1st June next upon the Old Portuguese Stock, has been advertised to be paid in due course; and although there never was any reason to doubt the security of the divideril, this circumstance has induced several purchases; and the Stock, which was yes- terday 7:3, is now 75. The other Portuguese Bonds are also in demand, and have recovered from 1 to 2 per cent, from their lowest point of depression. Spanish Stock, which had declined I per cent. from the closing prices of last week, in consequence of the reported abandonment of the new loan and the de- cline in Paris, has rallied again, and is to-day per cent. There have not been any very extensive operations in this Stock, although the fluctuation has heea greater tl.on u.ual.
'fhe favourable intelligence from Bahia has given increased currency to Brazilian Bonds, which are to .day nearly 2 per cent. above our last prices : the market is firm at this quotation, all the floating stock having been absnrbed.
Dutch, Russian, Belgian, and the other European Continental Stocks, are steady.
Mexican Bonds 'have experienced a decline of I per cent. occasioned by the menaeed boat ilities of the French fleet. The south American Securities may also be quoted as lower ; but time has nut been much business done in any of them.
The Raihvay Sharer( are higher, especially the London and Birmingham and Manchester and Birmingham. The Illighton aud lilackwall are also firmer, at quotations neatly the same as our last. The various Asphalte Companies, with the exception of Claridge's, are still heavy, and soles of shares to any extent quite impracticable. New schemes are, however, still being produced, though it seems probable that the majority tif them will fall still-born front the hands of their projectors. SATuito..Y, Twit.fAit o'runtit. Ft The markets for Exchequer Bills and India Bonds are dem eased ; the large bale of yesterday still continuing to operate unfavourably upon these Securities : with this exception, all descriptions o9f311'oireign and English Funds are at yestm day's prices, with very little business doing. The Railway and other Shares are Hi the same quiescent state; and may all be quoted nominally us yesterday. 3 per Cent .Consols 9.11
1021 flank Stock I:N.011411er !Sills 6.Iptn. I Mferred Stock
2i:414i 541 Ditto 3 per Cent.