Earl Grey Has Declared Himself Favourable To The...
nation of the Apprenticeship —Leeds Mercury. The averaion of the Whigs to patronage and jobbing is known to all the world; and we are therefore stterly at a loss to accoaa for......
Postscri Pt
SATURDAY. • There was a monstrous quantity of palaver in both Houses last night, on thoroughly exhausted subjects. In the Lords, the Bishop of EXETER set to work on his old......
On The Night Of The 27th Of April, A Fire
broke out in Charleston, South Carolina, which destroyed 1,300 buildings, and property esti- mated at five millions of dollars, including a new and splendid hotel, the new......
Charles Maurice De Talleyrand Perigord, Prince Of...
the evening of the 17th instant. His disease was a gangrene, which carried him off in the eighty-fourth year of his age. Some time before his death, he bad thought proper to......
--_—c " A Constant Reader," Who Writes To Ne On
time subject of Church Establislimrots,k informed, that we did not, in praisin g Mr. WARD'S speech or his" troth and mai& nese," intend to express approbation of the ptinciple......