The Court of Aldermen met on 1Vednesday, specially summoned by
the Lord Mayor, to consider the following letter from Lord John Ilue sell to Sir Matthew Wood.
17th Muhl?. Dear Sir Matthew—Having received the resolutions adopted l. the Polie, ha. tnittee frwil Mr. Dawes. recommending a Muction die City and Thalles Nice under the Metropolitan Commi4sionets, I shall think it right to put providomuibill vs tutu I shall introhay Sr the part me. tu carry into effeet this recotum:..yti.dRattisasuE.i.t... " It will be a matter 01. great regret to me if, in taking this course, I 01411 tail ton. ceive your co;iperati011. " Believe me to be )(rats faithfully, " To Sir M. Wood, Bart."
A debate arose. Sir Claudius Hunter and Alderman White approv. ing of the proposed amalgamation of the City Police with the rest of the Police force of the Metropolis under the control of the Home Secretary; whilst Aldermen Scholey, Heygate, Venables, and Cope. land, were very indignant at the attempt to reduce the authority and curtail the privileges of the City Legislature. It was filially resolved, that Sir Matthew Wood be requested to proceed with Isis City Police Bill, and that the most determined and energetic resistance should be offered to the Government scheme.
At a [netting of the Court of Common Council, on Thursday, 3001, was voted to the London Fever Hospital. From the City of London School Committee, a report was presented on the improvement of the Gresham Lectures, containing the following sensible recommenda. Lions- " 1. That the several lectures founded by Sir Thomas Gresham, should in future he delivered in the Theatre of the City of London School, at seven o'clock in the evening, and in the English language only. 2. That previously to earls tel in. a printed circular shall be sent to each member of the Court of Aldermen, the Court of Common Council, and the Court of the Mercer's Company, announcing the days, horns, and subjects of the several lecture to be delivered by the lecturers during the term. 3. That notices of tholes- tures, contaiiiing the same particulars, should be placed previous to and diming each tei tn outside Om Theatre of the City of London School, at the Guildhall, the Alansionhouse, awl the Royal Exchange. 4. That the several lecturers should be requested to fin nish a syllabus of their respective lecture, and that ji; lilted copies thereuf should ha provided at the expense of the tram mid distributed in the Theatre before the commencement of each lecture. 5. 't'hat appropriate apparatus and illustrations should he furnished at the expense of the trust tot till those leettires which are susceptible of illustrations."
This report was agreed to unanimously.