The most interestiug events of the week are the arrivals of the Sirius amid the Great Wt stein steam-ellipe, alter a successful navigation of the Atlantic. 'Fbe Sirius reached Faltnouth on Saturday evening, bringittg the news of her artical at New York ; which she needled in seventeen days from Cork. Iler voyatee home occupied eiitlitetn dayg, in which she sailed from 90 to 2S:9 miles per diem—that is, a euilor's day of twenty-four hours. The Great Western made her appeerence in New York within a few hours after the arrival of the Shies; having aceompliehed the voyage f roil) Bi istol in fifteen days.
The arrival of these vessels in New York created an extraordinary sensation ; though the Arno ican newspapers are careful to inform us, that in the year lt419, a Captain Rogers twice crossed the Atlantic in a steam-vessel, called the Savanitali. It was St. George's Day when the Euglish steam-ships reached New York ; and Captains Roberts and lloakins, of the Royal Navy, who commanded respectively the Sirius and the Great Western, (hued with the members of St. George's Society in New York. Both ships were visited by the Mayor and Corporation, with vast numbers of invited guests; among whom the celebrated Daniel Webster is particularly named. Many thousands wetit on board daily ; and on one day set apart for ladies, Captain Hos- kins received more than five thouatied. There were feasts, addresses, and eomplimenta in profusion. chief commercial city of the Western world duly uppreciated the comineocement of a new' sera in navieation.
The Sirius, which is a vessel of about 700 tons barden, left New York on the 1st instant, with is full cargo of merenandise mid passengers; and, as we have stated, got back to Falmouth on the 19th. The Great Western, an cuormotts ship of 1,400 toils, having been fie:mired with better weather, left New York on the 7th, mid ar- rived at Bristol on the 21st; the voyage occupying only fourteen days and seventeen hours ; during which, witlt a strong heed-wind, she never made fewer than 71 mike an hour. The Great Western brought over sixty-eight passengers, at 3.5 guineas each.