The Panorama of Sebastopol is not the only war-item in the week's art. A bust of General Sir De Lacy Evans, the work of Mr. Pepper of Bright- on, and bearing a distinctive origin as being the fruit of a shilling-sub- scription instituted by a committee of Brighton townsmen, has been on view at Mr. Claudet's Photographic Establishment in Regent Street. The veteran appears in his regimentals; portrayed, as regards art, in a somewhat rough-and-ready style, yet characteristically. The bust is to be executed in marble, and placed in the Brighton Town-hall or Pavi- lion; and we would strongly suggest to the committee, if they wish Mr. Pepper to produce a work which shall do him and themselves credit, to waive their intention, as expressed in a printed handbill, of " carefully directing and overlooking it during its progress and until its completion." It is an insult to common sense for "Brighton townsmen" either to em- ploy Mr. Pepper if he needs to be directed and overlooked, or to direct and overlook him if he deserves to be employed.