Transportable Army Railways.
1 Adam Street, ittlelphi ' 21st May 1865. SIR—The experience of the difficulty of transport over the few miles from Balaklava to Sebastopol has, I imagine, ended in the......
On the 15th _May. atChettle Lodge, Blaodford, Dorset, the Wife of Captain Dou- glas Curry, R.N., of a son. On the 18th, at Augusta House, Worthing the Lady of General Sir John......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OPPICR, May 2l.-Staff-Copt. J. Swinburn, of the 18th Foot, to be Assist.- Adjt. of a Depth Battalion. Orrice OF ORDNANCE, May lt.-Royal Regiment of Artillery-Lieut. R. W.......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, May U. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. - Fothergill and Salmon jun. Northampton Place, Old Kent Road, hay-dealers-Plant and Son, Stafford, curriers-Moss and Co. Chester,......