26 MAY 1860, Page 10



A rise of fully half per cent has been established this week in the value of British Seeurites, with only occasional and partial reactions. Consols were first quoted on Monday, 941 941, and have steadily advanced to 951 951, the public and general dealers showing a disposition both to invest and purchase for the account. Several causes have contributed to the im- provement, the first and foremost being the increased ease in the Money Market, with the highly satisfactory state of the Bank coffers, and the cer- tainty of the Court of Directors reducing the minimum rate of discount at the next weekly meeting; a resolution was yesterday passed, reducing the rate from 41 to 4 per cent. This measure had been fully anticipated, conse- quently the effect upon the Market was only slight, and for a moment, Consols being 951 upon the announcement, and closing 951 sellers. The telegrams from the Continent are not looked for with that amount of anxiety which was apparent a week or ten days ago ; indeed, the Markets have been less disturbed this week by political intelligence than for some time. Even the decision in the House of Lords on Monday bad not a de- pressing effect ; quotations seemed absolutely to improve from that moment. Business, upon the whole, has not been of an extensive character, although there have been several important bona fide purchases. Bank Stock leaves off 227 229; Indian Five per Cents, 1061 1061; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 931 931 ; Exchequer Bills, 6s. 98. prem.; Consols have been heavy today, closing 94/ 95 for Money, and 95 951 for 6th June Account.

The committee of the Stock Exchange, after a lengthened inquiry, have suspended four members who acted as brokers to Pullinger—three until March next, and one for three months only, there being exceptional and extenuating circumstances in his ease. It is ascertained that not one-fifth of the amount defrauded ever found its way into the Stock Exchange.

Foreign Stocks have been quiet, and prices in most cases show little alteration. Turkish have receded to 741751 for the old Six per Cents, and 58 59 for the New ; operations, however, have been limited. Buenos Ayres, 85 87 ; Buenos Ayres Three per Cents firm, 24 25 ; Peruvian Four-and-a- Half per Cents, 92 93 ; Ditto lJribarren stationary, 83 84; Sardinian steady, 84 85 ; Victor Emmanuel, 95 96 ; Russian 64 641; Chilian Four-and-a-Half per Cent, 85 87; Ditto, Six per Cent, 102 104 ; Spanish continues in good demand, the last figures are 471 48; and Portuguese, 441 45 ; Brazilian, 90 91; Venezuela Three per Cent, 251 261 ; Ditto One-and-a-Half per Cent, 13 14; Grenada Active, 141 151; Ditto Deferred, 41 41; Mexican has been dull, closing 211211. The Railway Share Market has been more than ordinarily active all the week, causing better prices all round, in sympathy with the improvement in the English market. Caledonians which were 891 891 are now firmer at 90 901 ; Midland, 116 1161 ; Great Western, 681 69 ; London and North- Western, 1001 101 ; London and South-Western, 93 931 ; Chester and Holyhead, 51 511; Great Northern, 115 116 ; Great Northern A. Stock, 116 118; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1031 104. The traffic returns of this week show some very favourable features compared with the corresponding of last year. Berwick, 95} 961 ; North British, 611 613 ; South Eastern and Dover, 85 851; London and Brighton, 112 114; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 41142. It is probable that a still more active business would be doing but for this being "Epsom week." The Indian and French mar- kets are steady, both showing a slight advance in prices; business, however, has been very trifling. Paris and Lyons, 34 341; Northern of France, 38 381; Paris and Strasbourg, 231 241; East Indian, 1011 102; Great Indian Pe- ninsula, 991 100 ; Madras, 98 99 ; Bombay and Baroda, 96 97 ; Lombardo- Venetian Shares have recovered about 1 per cent. from the lowest point, leav- ing off it dis. 1 prem. The Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Shares are last quoted 11 If prem. ; the allotment letters, it is stated, will be sent out next week.


Consols, which left off last night " sellers " at 951, have slightly recovered this morning, and are now 951 951. Foreign Securities and Railway Shares are without alteration, but the tone of the various markets is firm, with little business passing.