26 MAY 1860, page 10

Four Distinguished Hungarian Nobles Are Reported To Have...

cepted appointments as Members of the Imperial Council. Four distinguished Hungarian nobles are reported to have just ac- cepted appointments as Members of the Imperial Council.......

A Curious Question Is Disturbing And Entertaining The...

Ger- man newspapers. It is said that copies of the private correspondence of the Prince Regent of Prussia with the Prince Consort of England have been stolen, and that the......


Lord PALMERSTON moved that a Select Committee be appointed to search the journals of both Houses of Parliament, in order to ascertain and report on the practice of each House......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY APTAILNOOK. A rise of fully half per cent has been established this week in the value of British Seeurites, with only occasional and partial reactions.......

Births. Births.

On the 7th of May, at 2, Smitbgrove Terrace, Cork, the Wife of Major the Hon. William Yelverton, Royal Artillery, of a son. On the 10th, at Braddon Tor, Torquay, the Wife of......

Despatches From Sicily Via Marseilles, Say That The...

diers are beginning to desert to Garibaldi ; and that two bodies of volunteers from the peninsula have disembarked near Palermo. According to the Petrie, Garibaldi has been......