Mr. Murray is preparing for publication a work on the Volcanoes, Geysers, and Glaciers of Iceland, the result of a summer's exploration by Captain Charles S. Forbes, R.N.
Meson. Longman and Co. announce as forthcoming, " Port Royal : a contribution to the history of Religion and Literature in France," by Mr. Charles Beard, B.A. The work is to be in two volumes.
A work on "The Origin and Succession of Life on the Earth," by Mr. lobn Phillips, Professor of Geology at the University of Oxford, is in the hands of Messrs. J. H. Parker and Co.
Mr. Hamilton, of the British Museum, is preparing a rejoinder to Mr. P, Collier's Reply." It is asserted that many important new facts in support of Mr. Hamilton's statements have recently been discovered. Mr. Walter White, the well-known tourist, is preparing for the press anew book of travels, called "All round the Wrekin."
" Wild Oats," a new work by the lamented Albert Smith ; and " The Thames Angler," by Mr. Arthur Smith (Mr. Albert Smith's brother), are in Messrs. Chapman and Hall's list of forthcoming publications.
Mr. Skeet has sundry new novels in hand. Among them, are " Under a Cloud," by Messrs. Frederick and James Greenwood, and " Camp Life„' by Mr. Lascelles Wraxall.
A work on " Metaphysics, or the Philosophy of Consciousness, Phe- nomenal and Real," by Henry L, Memel, B.D., is in the precis, for Messrs. Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh.
The eighth volume of Mr. Bancroft's " History of the United States," forming also the second volume of the History of the American Revolu- tionk has just been published by Messrs. Little, Brown, and Co., New Yor
A gorgeous collection of poetry, called " The Poet's Own," has been published by Mr. Scribner, New York.
A new and exhaustive work on the Electric Telegraph, written by a practical operator, has been published by Messrs. Ticknor and Field, Boston,,,U. S..
The ..fourth volume of M. Davergier de Hauranne's " Histoire du Gousernement Parlementaire," has been issued by Michel Levy, freres, Paris. Two more volumes are expected.
The same publishers announce "Le Cantique des Cantiques," trans- lated from the Hebrew, with notes and an introduction on the age and character of the poem, by Ernest Renan ; and " Toledo et les Bords du Tags," by A. de Latour.
Mgr. Pavy, Bishop of Algiers, has come forward with a work entitled "Esquisse d'un Traits sur la gouverainete Temporelle du Pape." It is divided into two parts, the first giving the history of the tem- poral government of the Popes, and the second deducing therefrom its legitimacy.
The first volume _of a " Histoire Physique, Economique, et Politique do Paraguay et des Etablissements des Jesuites," by M. Alfred Denier- say, has appeared at Paris. It is the result of a three years' exploration of Paraguay, whither the author had been sent by the Government of Louis Philippe.
"L'histoire de la Guerre de l'Espagne avec le Maroc," by M. L. Du- quesne; and " L'Espagne en 1860," by M. LeonVidal, have been issued by Ledoyen, Paris.
A curious " Recueil de Satires et Diatribes sur les Femmes, r Amour et le Mariage," by M. L. Larcher, has been published by Messrs. De- lahaye and Co., Paris.
The first volume, of three, of an antiquarian work, entitled, " Calen- drier Beige," containing a collection of ancient Belgian songs, pastimes, costumes, &c., has appeared at Brussels. The author, Baron de Reins- berg-Diiringsfeld, intends to follow up this work with similar " Calen- driers" of other countries.
The Belgian government has offered two prizes, of 10,000 francs each, to the authors of the best works on the " Historical Development of Belgium since 1830,"—one of these works to be written in French, the other in the Flemish language.
A Hamburg publisher announces a book said to be written by the late Baron von Bruck, Austrian Minister of Finance entitled " Die Z-ukimft and die Hoffnung Oestreieh's," (The Future and the Hope of Austria.)
The advocate Gennaselli, of Bologna, has published a work called "I Lutti dello State Romano, e l'avvenire della Corte di Roma." AcCording to this publication, the Austrian tribunal of war, sitting at Bologna, con- demned to death no fewer than 276 persons, in the period from May 23d, 1849, to May 23d, 1857. Of these, 186 were executed at Bologna, and 90 at other places within the Legations.