BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
Bogard. Maude' Tuesday. ?redraw Thurs. /rider.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Annuities 11430 Annuities 1883 Bank Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, 1 /d. per Exchequer Moods, 5001 India Bonds 4 per Cent
(Last Oficial Quotation during the Weekending Friday Ilvitnialf-)
Austrian 5 p.Ct - French 41p. et •
Belgian 41 - - Mexican 8 -
Ditto 21 - Peruvian 41 -
Brazilian 5 - 991 Portuguese 1863 3 -
Buenos Ayres 6 - -- Russian 5 -
Callan 0 - Sardinian . 5 - Danish 2 - Spanish 3 -
Ditto 3 - - Ditto New Deferred 11 -
Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) .21 - fib. Passive Ditto 4 - 101/Turkish . s
French 3 - -- Venezuela 3 - SHARES.
arlag the Week ending Friday Evening.) (Last ONcial Quotation d Itaitassys- Bristol and Exeter
Caledonian Chester and Holyhead Eastern Counties Edinburgh and Glasgow Glasgow and South-Western Great Northern Great South. and "West. Ireland Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire
Lancaster and Carlisle
London, BrightonA South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-Western London and South Western.- Manchester, Sheffield,& Lincoln Midland Midland Great Western (Ireland) North British North-Eastern-Berwick North-Eastern-York Oxford, Wor. & Wolverhampton Scottish Central Scottish Midland South Eastern and Dover
Eastern of France East Indian
Geelong and Melbourne Grand Trunk of Canada
Great Indian Peninsular Ore.t Western of Canada Paris and Lyons Higgs-
Brazilian Imperial - Ditto St. john del Rey
Cobre Copper Rhymney Iron
BANK OP ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the 7th and Stb Victoria, tap. NI. for the week ending on Wednesday the 23d day of May 1860. issue &&&&&& KILN, Rotes issued E29,569,390 Government Debt 311,016,10S
Other Securities 3,45900 Gold Coin and Bullion 15,061,390 Silver Bullion
£29,509,390 929,669,350
Proprietors ' Capital E14,653,000 Government Elecuritles(Incin • Rest 9,278,026 ding Dead WeightAnnuity). Z9,718,943 Public Deposit' 7,668,531 Other Securities Other Deposits 13,569,668 Notes le 870;7; Seven Days and other Bills . 091,115 Gold and Silver Coln 01340,100
£38,781,522 /38,761,522
• Including Exchequer,Saving-Banks,Commissioners of National Debt, and Div. Acct.
_ BULLION. " Per oz. . METALS. . Per Loa. Foreign Goldin Ilars,Standard. £3 17. 9 Copper, Brit. Cakes 9107 10 0 .. £0 6 0 Iron, Welsh Ban.... 6 IS 0 .. 7 5 9
Mexican Dollars 0 0, 0 Lead, British Pig ... 28 10 0 .. 24 10 0
Silver in Bars. Standard 0 0 0 Steel, Swedish Keg.. 19 0 0 - 0 0 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, May 25.
s. s. h
Wheat,n. O. 50 to 55 Fine 54 to 68 Pins , 118to 73 I Ise& Corn. 37 to as Fine 55 -SS Foreign,R. 50-68 Peas, Hog... 30-35 Oats, Frad . 23-9d Red, New 44 - 52 White F. dl-63 Maple.... 35 - 38 Fine ... . 16-17 Pine 52-54 Rye 30 -34 White .... 34-40 Poland ... 24-28
White Old 50-56 Barley 30 - 34 Blue 0, 0 Flee ... . 27-29
Fine 57-GO , Malting .. 40-k6 Beans, Tickil,21-4- 40 Potato.... 2e -30 New 46 -51 I Malt, Ord... 68-66 Marrow,,,,.; ULNA- Fine .... 31 - 33
Barley 30 Beans 44 Oats 25 3 Peas 39
Wheat 53s. Li. Rye Pia For the Week ending May 19. WEEKLY AVERAGE, 2d, Wheat . .. 4)is 3d. I Rye 34,. 3d.
3 Barley . .. 37 4 Beans 42 3
6 Oats 14 10 I Peas 39 2 Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. SIX-WEEKS AVERAGE.
Town-made per sack 53,. to 53s. Seconds 35 38 Essex andfluffolk, on board ship 37 -40
Norfolk and Stockton .... . 37 - 38 American per barrel 28 30 Canadian 28 - 31 Bread, 51d. to 714. the AUL loaf. FLOUR.
Hams, York' '" 78 - 93 Butter-Best Fresh, 14r. Od. dos. Bacon. Irish per cwt. 6134. - tille. Cheese, Cheshire, fine 80 - 88 Egg3, French, per 120. 4,9405 51. 3d. Carlow„ 01. Os. to Of. Or. per cwt.
Derby, pale 70 - TO PROVISIONS.
Mutton 4 8 - 5 4 - 0 . . 4 10 - 5 4 - 6 2 Pork .. 4 4 - 5 4 - 5 8 .... 4 6 - 4 8 -- 5 0 Lamb. 5 8 6 8 - 0 . 6 4 - 7 4 - 0 0 Beef... 3 8 to 4 0 to 4 5.... 4 4 to 4 10 to 5 4 Teat... 3 8 - 8-5 4 .... 4 10 - 4 - 6 8
Nswomrs ass LBLIPSNIK•LL.. Carits.stAlgleT..
s. d. s. 4 s. d. a 4. 4. s. d. • T.* sink the offal, per 8 lb. BUTCHERS' MEAT.
Beasts 3,480 1,880 Pigs ... 410 260
Sheep 27,910 11,120
Calves.. 180 460 Hr., Cr,Oarexa AT Tap Carrel-ssastare. Monday. Thursday.
Mid sad Best Kent ditto 80' - 140 Hatt-bred Wethers Sussex ditto 62 - 76 Leicester Fleeces Farnham ditto 0 0 Combing Skins ' Weald of Kent Pockets 62r. to 84s. Down Tegs HOPS. per M. 201d. to 21d. WOOL.
13 - 18 is - 0
171 - 15 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses./
Ssiirziristr. WalTsclispac• c
su to on
Hay, Good T5s. to 83s 100s. to Os. 22 - BO Inferior . ..... 60 70 50 - 60 0 - 0
New 0 0 0 0
Clover 95 - 115 ill - 120 108 - 115 32 - 34 Wheat Straw 25 32 28 - 33
941 941 95 951 95
941 941 951 95/ 954
93 931 93/ 93f 93 931 931 93/ 931 931 in 171 228 258 513 2171 127
-- --. ..-. 2101 -
8 4 4 9 9
- S
- -- - 7 941 95 931 931 171 •
47 37 Is
Australasian British North American City Colonial
Commercial of London Engl. Sc9tsb:d AustrallsusClitd Condos London and County
London Chrtd. Bak. of Australia
London Joint Stock
London and Westminster
National Bank
National Provincial 106w South Wales Oriental Ottoman Provincial of Ifehnsd South Australia Union 0/Australia Union bfLondon Unity
Docxs- East and West India
London Bt. Katherine Victoria
Australian Agricultural British American Land Canada Crystal Palace Electric Telegraph .... , . General Steam London Discount National Discount Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam South Australian 6411
51 30 28 33 ss si 624 40 421 171 1111 100 SI 27 118 311 1061 25 4
104 1131
ion 98 414 1161
611 961 8111 46 851 101/ 321 100 121 281 44 • 201 1031 901 alt 54 1151 1134