A fight for the Championship which will probably be memor-
*ble came off on Thursday, near Farniugham. The combatants, Mace, the present champion, and Goes, a pugilist from whom the Ring seems to expect much, appeared on the ground in perfect .condition, stripped and set to, and for an hour and a quarter went =through all the motions of a most scientific encounter without ever -striking one hard blow, to the amazed disgust of the ruffians around, who flung a shower of sarcasms, imprecations, and blasphemies on both combatants without effect. The battle was Tmally declared drawn, and the assemblage, after seeing two lads " punish " one another for a few minutes, returned utterly disappointed. The meaning of the affair is not very clear, but the men for some private reasons of their own did not, it is evident, mean to fight. The usual amount of abuse is poured on the police for being too late, but we want to have one question answered. Supposing Mr. Mill's principle as laid down in his essay on. liberty to be true, what have the police to do with a prize-fight? The combatants like it, the spectators like it, everything mean by consent, and nothing is injured ex- • cept morality and the skins of gladiators, whose death on the spot would be no loss to mankind. Surely it is the duty of the member for Westminster to move the repeal of the laws which make prize-fights illegal and exhibitions of gladiators murder.