In The Midst Of The Proposals For Congress The Preparations
for war continue. The call of the Kaiser for men has at once been answered, and it is stated that he has 700,000 men enrolled, and the means of calling out 300,000 more. In......
News Of The Week.
T HERE does not appear to be any chance for a solution of the European struggle by a Congress, and not very much perhaps of the assembling of the Congress itself. Yesterday......
There Was An Out-door Reform Meeting On Primrose Hill On
Monday, of which the principal features were the east wind and a letter from Mr. Bright, both of them violent, and only one of them favourable to the meeting. Mr. Bright......
Stephens Has Arrived In New York, And' All Is Gas
and glad- ness. Ile has been appointed General Head Centre, the factions are reconciled, O'Mahony dismissed, and Roberts about to resign, the circles are remitting money,......
Prince Charles Of Hohenzollern Arrived This Week At...
has been installed as Hospodar and made the conventional speech about being "always a Rouman." He seems to be a man of some spirit and ambition, for as soon as he heard of the......
An Under-current Of Opposition To War Is Making Itself...
in many places. The Saxons, who will be dreadfully harassed, are hanging out Prussian flags in opposition to their Government, which is Austrian, and a " Parliament " at......
India Never Has Much To Talk Of, And A Great
fuss is being made there just now about the delinquencies of a Captain liarward, R.A , Commissioner of Ordnance in charge of the arsenal at Agra. He has been committed for trial......