[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] r111,—Seeing in your recent issues certain books and manuals upon the subject of vegetable culture recommended, I venture to call your attention to a work upon Market . Gardening (French system and otherwise) by M. P. Aquatias, published by the Exchange and Mart at 3s. 9d. M. P. Aquatias was my head- gardener in pre-war days, and wrote the MS., which (being a mixture of English and French) I compiled into a readable form, and sold to the above publishers, together with the royalties. You will therefore understand that neither he nor I is endeavouring to " push " the sale of the book, for we derive no benefit therefrom, and I am merely actuated by "Food Problem" motives in mentioning the existence of the work, which is fully illustrated.—Trusting it may be of assistance, I am, Sir, he., (Cpl.) A. J. MOLYNEUX.
71h Btu. R.E.F., France.