Food Supply.
(To ma 11D/TOR OF sue " SPEOUTOR."1 .Suk,—In the latter part of your last article on this subject you state that it would be wrong for the Food Controller to interfere. with......
Juvenile Delinquency.
(To MI EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sia,—May I call the attention of your readers to a debate that I initiated recently in the House of Lords on the question of the increase of......
Mr. Runciman's Apologist.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—It is somewhat curious that the champion's letter of the 19th should have appeared in your columns, while it has not been sent to the......
Beer As Food.
ITo THE EDITOR Or TEL " SPECTATOR -"I Sut,—I enclose a cutting of a report of a speech made by Mr. Kennedy Jones, M.P. I think your paper should publish that portion relating to......