In the House of Commons on Monday the Prime Minister,.
before outlining the Government proposals for an Irish Con- vention to frame a Constitution,. attributed the failure of successive Ministries- to settle the Irish question to the fact that all previous. proposals had emanated not from Iseland hut from British Governments. Hitherto Britain had attempted to do all the construction and Ireland the criticism. They now pro- posed that Ireland should try her own hand at hammering out an instrument of -goyernment for her own people, encouraged -by the successor similar, though not identical, experiments in South Africa; Australia, and Canada. The Convention the Government proposed to summon must be representative of all legal interests, classes, creeds, and phases of thought in Ireland, and not merely a Convention of political parties, though they must necessarily all be-repre.sentecl, including, he hoped, the Sinn Feiners. The would invite delegates to be chosen by the bodies which they represent, and it was suggested that the Chairman should be nominated-by the Crown.