[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.]
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—There have been statements in our Press that His Majeety's Government would be influenced in its handling of the Irish problem by opinion over here. Without some such warrant, it would perhaps be an intrusion to express oneself on this matter; but if this ie the ease, then it is of the greatest importance that our true opinion be really known. And there are two things to be taken into account. st, that the great mass of public opinion here, not being any better informed on European matters than Europeans are informed on American matters, is quite ignorant of the real meaning of the problem of Ulster. It is likely that there would be a general expression in favour of Home Rule, naturally; but this would not mean tit all that one in a hundred of those so expressing themselves would have considered the Ulster problem. Second, as far as our opinion is informed on this matter, the great mess of Protestants, I venture to say, arc wholly opposed to the forcing of Ulster into the control of the Catholic portion. As far as oar religious Press, the bpokesman for our Protestants, has expressed itself, it a-as, as far as my knowledge goes, wholly on the side of Ulster. It would be a vast mistake for His Majesty's Government to be influenced on this delicate and important matter by an opinion which was con- sidering the matter aside from Ulster, and to be sufficiently influenced to force Ulster into such a union. Whether these reports of the Press are correct is, of course, another matter. If they are not, then this letter is wholly out of place. If they are correct, and if His Majesty's Government are seeking such information, then it is important that they know the real state of that -opinion which is informed.—I am, Sir, 8:e., DANIEL S. (k(II. Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, April 30th.