The forced peace with China is too grand a subject
to be over- looked by the French newspapers ; and, true to the genius of their country, they regard it on broad and abstract principles. Already they view it as an European question ; claim a share in the new ingress to the sealed region ; and speculate on the field of props. gandism opened to European superiority and energy. And they are right. Never before bad the accumulated intelligence and wealth of Europe so vast a field suddenly opened to them. Some of our neighbours seem half or wholly angry with this new-instance of the vaunted energy of the Anglo-Saxon race, and speculate on a partition of China among ,England and her European rivals. Par- titioned or " regenerated, ' China henceforth enters upon a new existence; having been dragged in as a subject of European discus- sion, and made its ports the goals for the emulous intrusion of European rivals. If English "diffusion of useful knowledge" and French "poli- tical regeneration" extend into the Celestial Empire, how much longer will Japan succeed in excluding the foreigner ? It will want but that link to make Europeanism encircle the globe.