26 NOVEMBER 1842, Page 5

In a public notification issuing from the Political Department, dated

"Head-quarters, Simla, 21st September 1842," to announce the victories of Nott at Gonine on the 30th August, of Pollock at Jug- dulluk on the 8th, and of the Chinese expedition at Woosung on the 16th June, the Secretary to Government says- " The Governor-General regards with the highest admiration the noble ar- dour which has in these several operations been manifested, equally by the officers and soldiers of both nations and of all arms. He sees in the successes already obtained, the certain promise of other more decisive victories, calculated to impress upon all the enemies of the British Government a conviction of the futility of resistance to the force under his direction, and tending, under the continued favour of Providence, to effect the first object of his desire, the restoration of peace to Asia."

A General Order, dated" Simla, 30th September 1842," announcing the occupation of Ghnznee, the victory of' the Tezeen valley, and the re- taking of Cabal, speaks highly of our Sikh allies-

" The Governor-General has derived much satisfaction from the report made by General Pollock, of the admirable conduct of the troops of his Highness the Maharajah Shere Sing. acting in cooperation with the British army. The Governor-General rejoices in this new proof of the cordial good understanding which prevails between the British Government and that of Lahore."

Major-General Pollock had been appointed to the General Staff of the army, in succession to the late Major-General Penny. Major-General Nott had been appointed to the lucrative post of President at Lucknow, vacant by the resignation of Lieutenant-Colonel Lowe.