26 NOVEMBER 1842, Page 9


Arrived -At Gravesend, Nov. 20th. Lydia. Brunton, from Bombay; 21st. Artemis, Goulding, from Moulznein ; Latta Rookh. Henry. from Calcutta; 22d, Abbotts. Crawford, from Chins; 23rd Will Watch, Walker. from Singapore; 29th Lord Keane. Roberts, from Ceylon ; Ida. Thompson; and ludlau, English.lfrom Calcutta; and Fairlie. Garrett. from Madras; 25th. W. Mitchell, Harvey; and ffebe. Younger. from Singapore. Rookery, Bourne, from Calcutta; Prince Albert, Bruton, from Madras; and PI:ceuil. Cockle, from Mauritius, At Plymouth, 2Ist, Cove, Smith. from Bombay. At Falmouth. 19th, John George, Storey. from Calcutta. At Liverpool, 19th, Aden. Ponsonby. from Singapore; 20th, Universe, Ritchie ; and New York Packet, Downing, from Bombay; and 24th. Iris, Fisher, from Madras. At St. Helena, Oct. 6th, Gannymede, Rouse, from Singapore; Montillotes, Davison, from Calcutta; and Ge age the Fourth, Parsons, from Portsmouth.

At the Cape. Sept. Milt. Hindostan. Lamb; and Union, Turfien, from London; 15th, Pandora. Linen, from Liverpool; 16th, Favourite, Case, from London; and Cleve- .

land, Morley. from Ceylon.

At Mauritius, Aug. 22d, William Barber, Manthorpe.from London; Sept. 4th, Ara- bella. Jackson, from ditto; 10th, Nautilus. Thomas, from ditto. At Madras. Sept, 26th. Neptune. Ferris- aud Ocean Queen, Van Zuilecom, from London; Oct. 4th, General Kydd, Ouslow. from ditto.

At Calcutta, Sept. 29th, Viscount &union, Lancaster; and Mary Ridley, Shearer. from London ; 27th. Argyll, Bonney, from the Clyde; Oct. 9th, Blakeley, Wickman, from I.iverpool.

At Macao, Aug. 6, Claudine, Norris. from London.

Sailed-From Gravesend. Nov. 19th. John Graham, Pearson, for Ceylon; 22d, End of Harewood. Fox. for Singapore; 23d, Nankin, Palmer, for Calcutta; and Pearl. Borrows, for Madras.

From Liverpool, 20th. Dryad, Rickerty, for Singapore; Bland, Cation, for Cal- cutta; 21st. Woodstock. Nicht:16°u, for ditto; and 2341, Coaxer, Ridley, for Ceylon. From the Clyde, 20th, Briton, Robertson, for Bombay.