26 NOVEMBER 1853, Page 9


The English Stock Market continues to show a strong tendency to im- provement; which has been this week augmented from a belief that a suspension of hostilities on the Danube was probable during the winter months. Money has been more in demand both in the Stock Exchange and out of doors. This, added to some loans recalled by the East India Company, produced a temporary reaction of 1per cent in the Funds on Wed- nesday; when Consols, which on the day before had reached 951, declined to 95 k 1. Yesterday public investments caused a full recovery. It tran- spired early in the week that the rate of the St. Petersburg exchange was still adverse to England : subsequent accounts from Odessa, of the 11th in- stant, report a sudden reaction of 4 per cent in the rate. It is presumed this will influence the St. Petersburg exchange, and will probably prevent some of the remittances of gold from England, previously contemplated. On Tuesday it was stated that Messrs. Baring were remitting 300,000/. to St. Petersburg, believed to be on account of the Russian Government. The ship- ments by other houses amounted to about 80,000/., and large insurances con- tinue to be made for further shipments. The Bank of France is expected shortly to increase their rate of discount to 5 per cent, owing to the demand r specie. Gold continues to arrive in London from Australia and New Ycrk. The proprietors of the 3,662,7841. South Sea Stock due on the 5th of January have felt much displeasure that their claims cannot be arranged, owing to the Directora not having been successful in the last session of Par- liament in obtaining an act. The bill was thrown out because it contained a plan for converting the concern into a trust company. It is argued that this should have been introduced in a separate bill. An application in a similar form is to be made next session, and fears are entertained that it will meet with renewed opposition, and be severely felt by those proprietors who wish payment for their Stock. Today the French prices were quoted .1 better; and Consols, which were dull this morning at 951 1, have since improved, closing at 951 for Money and Account. Bank and India Stocks have not attend during the wcek. Exchequer Bills have been ls. higher; they are now 5 8 pm. Foreign Stocks have been steady in most instances, and little alteration has occurred throughout the week. Buenos Ayres has improved 3 ; closing 'today at 63 6. Mexican and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents are 1 better. Portuguese is 1 lower; ascribed to the announcement on Monday of the death of the Queen of Portugal. Railways have been tolerably well supported. The highest prices were obtained on Tuesday. Great Western then realized 83144 ; London and North-Western, 1031 41, and Midland, 631 41. A reaction which occurred on Wednesday was yesterday partly regained, and at the close the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the fol- lowing extent. Increase—Great Northern, 1/. 10s. ; Edinburgh and Glas- gow, Great Western, Lancashire and Yorkshire, Norfolk, North British, and Scottish Midland, li. ; Caledonian, 15s. ; Aberdeen, London, Brighton, and South Coast, and South Wales, 10; • London and North-Western, and Mid- land, 58. Decrease—London and South-Western, 11.York and North Mid- land, las. The improvement in Foreign Shares hits been—Northern of France, Paris and Strasbourg, Rouen and Havre, Royal Danish, and West Flanders, 108. ; Paris and Lyons, 7s. 6d. Sambre and Meuse has declined 10s. Today there has been a slight improvement in the English and Fo- reign Shares. Accounts from Brussels on Tuesday stated that the Luxem- bourg line is to extend to the French frontier, and be there connected with the Metz branch of the Paris and Strasbourg Railway, and traffic arranged between the two companies.

3 per Ceat Consols

Ditto for Account 8 per Cent Reduced

31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents

Chilian 6 per Cents

Danish 5 per Cents 95 6 95 6


N 1 51 5-16 217 18 5 8 250 3 93 5

97 9 91 6 101 3 102 4 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3per Cents Peruvian 41 per Cents Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents Portuguese 4 perCents Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 41 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents 81 3 63 4 941 51 25 71 49 51 40 2 111 13 97 9 46 22 1 91 91 3


The English Funds are again in demand, and Consols have been 96 buyers ; they are now 954 6 for both Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 5 8 prem. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a small decrease of 36,756/. Foreign Stocks are steady; but Chilian has improved 1, being now 101 3. Railways present no particular feature; the bargains recorded have been these—Caledonian, 57; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 671; London and North- Western, 1031; North British, 31; South Wales, 34; York and North Mid- land, 491.