Our Attention Has Been Directed To The Following...
our sur- mise, last week, on the subject of the Brevet: it occurs at the close of a letter by Colonel Thompson, in the Morning _Advertiser- " The respected editor of the......
SATURDAY. A Court and Privy Council were held at Windsor yesterday afternoon_ At the Council, Parliament was ordered to be further prorogued from Tuesday the 29th instant, until......
A Meeting Was Held In The Town-hall Of Southwark Last
night,—Mr. Pritchard, High Bailiff, in the chair,—to consider the question of corpo- rate reform, and to appoint a deputation to lay the views of the meeting before the Royal......
Although There Was No Advance In Prices At Mark Lane
yesterday, there- seems to be a general impression that they have not yet reached the cul- minating point. Wheat is now nearly double what it was a twelvemonth ago; and yet our......
The Paris Correspondent Of The Morning Chronicle Informs...
the authority of letters from Frohsdorf, that on Tuesday last the Count de Chambord and the Duke de Nemours dined with the Emperor of Austria at the palace of Sehonbrunn.......
Mort Llautuits.
Lord Derby and Mr. Hume, both invited to attend the recent meeting at Manchester on the Russo-Turkish question, sent letters in reply. Lord Derby said, the state of his health—"......
The Attorney-general, On The Part Of The Honourable...
and other gentlemen connected with the South-Western Railway Company, ap- plied to the Court of Queen's Bench, yesterday, for a rule calling upon the publisher of the Times to......