26 NOVEMBER 1910, Page 2

Even more important was Mr. Asquith's announcement of the Government's

decision upon the Osborne judgment. After repeating his announcement with regard to payment of Members, he said :—

"We shall further propose legislation empowering Trade- Unions to include in their objects and organisation the provision of a fund for Parliamentary and municipal action and representa- tion and kindred objects, and to combine for such purposes, pro- vided that the opinion of the Union is effectively ascertained, and that there shall be no compulsion upon any member to contribute to the fund."

The long cross-examination which followed led to no further

result except a statement that the political fund of a Trade- Union would have to be raised by a special levy. In reality, however, Mr. Asquith's answer will enable him to decide later

how far it will be necessary for him to go in the direction desired by the Trade-Unionists. If Mr. Asquith has a majority without the Labour Party it will not be very far.