The Government And The Lords.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:1 beg to suggest that attention should be called to an essential difference between the Government proposals with regard to the House of Lords......
Letters To Tiie Editor.
THE CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUE. [To THE EDITOR Or THZ "SPECTATOR."] SIB,—The three outbursts of the Home Secretary, the Prime Minister, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer are now......
[to Mr Editor Op Tion "spectator. " ] Sir,—it Seems So...
that the vital issue at the forth- coming elections may be lost sight of by many electors in the dust raised by party warfare, or, if kept in view, relegated to a place among......
The Preservation Of Commons.
-w - HEN a book originally costing ten shillings and sixpence is enlarged and improved and offered to the public for half-a-crown, the proceeds of the sale to go to the funds of......