To Work a Grass Holding at a Living Profit. By
H. B. M. Buchanan, BA. (Constable and Co. is. net.)—It can be done, says Mr. Buchanan in effect, but it is very likely not to be done. The holder must know about the right grasses to grow, the right coin to keep, the manure to use, and, above all, he must be the
right man himself. This last qualification no book will give; but Mr. Buchanan's book is full of useful knowledge. He has an appendix on the "Cheap Cottage Problem." Presumably he means the Spectator when he speaks of "a well-known paper which with great flourishing of trumpets published estimates for a pair of cottages at .2300." But why "estimates," considering that the cottages have been built and inhabited for a year ? We are sure that he does not advance the solution of the problem with his 'ZOO-the-pair scheme. To yield 5 per cent. and pay rates, let alone repairs and insurance, this means 5s. per week rent at the least. How can this be managed with a wage varying from 13s. to 15s.?