Mr. Lloyd George addressed an audience of five thousand men
at the Paragon Theatre, Mile End, on Monday night. As for the Lords, "no free country in the world would look at our system." "Aristocracy is like cheese, the older it is (A voice : The more it stinks '—loud laughter) the higher it becomes." "The Peerage is created to ennoble the indiscretions of Kings." Australia would say that "they would rather have a Senate of kangaroos than be governed by men like that." The Tory Party were doing their best to put life into the old tram horse [i.e., the House of Lords]. "They are fitting up electric wires to his tail—(laughter)—just to make him go for a time, and Lord Rosebery wants to give him a pair of new hind legs. (More laughter.) Well, on humanitarian principles I am opposed to cruelty to animals—(laughter and cheers)— and I would turn the poor old thing to grass and convert his old train into a cucumber frame." Our quotations are from the report in the Daily News.