26 NOVEMBER 1965, Page 44



1. It buttons up the fairy ring in France! (10) 6. Strike on the exchange? (4)

10. Arrested at the end of the race (3,2)

11. Putting in which may end in

being put out (9) 2.

12. The dingo breed (6-3) 3.

13. The city of Mclozzo (5) 14. These islanders should feel at home in the rush-hour! (10) 16. Tick over on the dole (4) 18. Pleasant place! (4) 20. On the face of it they see the 7.

seamy side of life! (4-6) 8.

23. The silvered river (5) 24. However flowery, they would 9. have been all Greek to Words- 14. worth (9) 27. The way to the station (9)

28. Lower into place on the 17. diamond (5)

How to get about in Yorkshire

It's a taxing business (10) DOWN How to win favour with a horse

Positively Wagnerian! (7) No paling encloses the ant- eater (8) Its hall might well be made of gingerbread, by the sound of it (5) The appearance of pieces of eight? (9) How the bird buzzed off (7) This cut-price offer sounds no good for anyone so broke (9) Collars for reeves? (5) Beachcomber's journal? It's rough stuff (9) Unholy fans! (9) With which to see the long and the short of it (8) 30.



19. Carried, having taken charge of the committee (7) 21. Give promotion in New York', (7)

22. The lovely lady of the lake! (5) 25. Unseasoned ingredient of Guy Fawkes's material (5) 26. Exhausted shoppers? (5) Solution next week