Sin,—how Interesting To Read Mr. Charles Curran's...
magazines last week, since—according to himself—he had been looking at them for the first time in his life! If he had been able to spare a little more time to read successive......
Sir,--1 Am Glad That Mr. Curran Confessed That He Had
been looking at our women's magazines for the first time in his life. They merit somewhat less superficial study than that. He, makes the usual Points about the letters columns,......
Journalism For Squaws
SIR,—Of course women's magazines present a world of fantasy. We know that, but everyone wants to escape from this world sometimes. I always find it difficult to understand why......
am sorry to have been too busy to reply to Mr. Bryan Robertson's 'In Kensington Gardens' before; sorry too, that lack of space prevents fuller comment. The article on the......